Sore Following a Massage? What to Do, Why It Happens, and Why

Numerous advantages of massage therapy include encouraging relaxation and addressing problem areas that may cause pain and suffering. While the majority of massage clients report feeling a lot of comfort after their session, some may experience some soreness.

This essay will start to explain why this discomfort occurs and what you should do if it occurs to you. We always advise discussing with your licenced massage therapist (RMT) and/or a healthcare expert for more information if you are worried, even though it can be totally normal to feel some discomfort after a massage, especially if your RMT applied a heavy amount of pressure.

Why does discomfort after a massage happen?

It’s crucial to note up front that a massage’s success is not necessarily shown by the soreness that follows. It’s a frequent misconception that a massage must hurt afterward in order to demonstrate that “it’s working.” This is completely inaccurate, and it all depends on a number of variables, including the sort of massage you get and how much pressure the RMT uses.

If you get a deep tissue massage, you are more likely to experience post-massage pain. In order to relieve any knots, tightness, and soreness that may be present, an RMT stretches out the muscles throughout a session. Depending on how much pain you were in before the massage, this might be enough to make you feel a little uncomfortable afterwards.

Additionally, if you don’t regularly get massages, you might be more likely to experience some stiffness afterward because your muscles aren’t accustomed to some of the therapeutic techniques the RMT utilises. Meanwhile, people who get massages frequently could discover that their muscles’ tightness, soreness, or strain goes away over time.

Massage also involves working out your muscles, just as exercise. Microscopic tears may occur if you receive a sort of massage that applies intense pressure to your muscles in an effort to relieve pain or tightness. This occurs for muscles to develop strength, to repair, and to aid in healing, which is very similar to what happens to people who exercise.

When there is any kind of tightness, muscles can become highly rigid. Muscles should be in a smooth, constant state. When a massage manipulates the muscle, a healing process takes place. Although it is not a given for all who receive a massage, muscle ripping can assist to explain why some people feel sore afterward.

It’s crucial to remember that at any moment during your massage you feel an extreme level of discomfort, you should immediately bring it up to your RMT. Before we discuss some things you can do after getting a massage to lessen any soreness that may occur. Communication regarding what works and what doesn’t is essential since massage is not intended to make you feel worse than the discomfort you already feel. The same is true afterward; if your muscles hurt more than they just feel sore, let your RMT know so they can help you get through your next treatment.

STAY HYDRATED: Regardless of whether you feel sore after a massage, it’s always a good idea to stay hydrated. In order for your muscles to operate at their best, water serves to invigorate them and maintain things like electrolyte levels in balance. The synovial fluid that surrounds your joints is what keeps them functioning smoothly, but for people who are dehydrated, there is less of this fluid to help protect the joints. Water also helps keep joints lubricated. Since your muscles are mostly formed of water, staying hydrated can be quite beneficial, especially after your muscles have been stretched out following a massage.

GENTLY STRETCH: Keeping the massaged area(s) active might help with any soreness that might develop. Gently stretching can assist maintain blood flow and keep muscles loose by paying specific attention to the regions that the massager worked on. That being stated, it is advised to refrain from engaging in any rigorous activity right after getting a massage so that your muscles can unwind and recover from the therapy.

TAKE A BATH: Baths can assist keep your body relaxed and are a terrific method to soak your muscles. In addition to reducing inflammation and improving circulation, adding some Epsom salts to the bath can help avoid and/or manage any pain that may develop following a massage.

USE A COLD COMPRESS: A cold compress helps relieve stiffness in particular parts of your body after a massage, especially if you suffer any swelling. For about ten minutes, apply a cold icepack wrapped in a cloth to the hurting area(s), then remove it for another ten.

Have A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP: One of the best methods for your body to heal itself is to get a good night’s sleep. Since massage can help you sleep better, the two combined may be exactly what your body needs to fully benefit from the massage. If at all feasible, schedule your massage when you will have some downtime to unwind afterward. Taking some time to relax after getting a massage can be very beneficial if you want to keep your muscles relaxed as long as possible.

BOOK YOUR UPCOMING APPOINTMENT: Consistent massage therapy aids in maximising the physical improvements in your body. Consider a muscle that is first sore and stiff before being stretched out by massage. If the muscle is not stretched out once more, it will eventually return to being tight and painful. However, if the muscle is treated consistently and on a regular basis, it will start to develop muscle memory and start to maintain that state for extended periods of time.